Inspired by the life of Jenő Janovics, based on a text by Miklós Vecsei H. and Nikolett Németh, and the improvisations of the company


Miklós Bács
József Bíró
Róbert Kardos M.

Zsolt Gedő
Zsuzsa Tőtszegi
Lóránd Váta
Balázs Bodolai
Loránd Farkas
Csilla Albert
Éva Imre
Lilla Pánczél
Hannah Daradics
Tamás Kiss
Gedeon András

directed by
Attila Vidnyánszky jr.
set designer
Csaba Csíki
costume design
Zsuzsanna Cs. Kiss
Dávid Mester
István Berecz
Nikolett Németh
director's assistant
Helga Dávid
stage manager
Enikő Albert

Date of the opening: September 25, 2024

Every serious, both humane and antihuman moment of 20th century history is traced through the life of Jenő Janovics, the renowned director of the Cluj Theatre, the first pioneer of Hungarian fillm. His diary notes and the surviving documents that have been found have encouraged the young creative team to investigate with the Cluj company what it means today to have the kind of tenacity that kept Janovics from succumbing to the storm of dictatorship and treachery. His story is not without elements of humour and grotesque, nevertheless at the end of his life we see a universal, almost biblical character, independent of the times he is living in. It would be nice to take his hand. That is why the aim of this performance is not to commemorate but to set an example, a realistic, seemingly new way forward in the 21st century.