12. 06. 2024


The Union of European Theatres (UTE) held its first ordinary general assembly of the year in Prague, on Sunday 9 June. Organised by the Prague Municipal Theatre, the event took place in the city's emblematic building, the Art Nouveau-style House of Representation (Obecní dům).

After an address by the President of the UTE, Gábor Tompa, the representatives of the member theatres unanimously voted in favour of the accession of the Catalan National Theatre of Barcelona and the application for re-membership of the Teatro di Roma. Among the items on the agenda were the organisation of the next edition of the Union of European Theatres Festival, the creation of new international coproductions and the organisation of workshops and residency programmes for young artists.

This year's second annual general assembly will be hosted by the São João National Theatre in Porto in the first half of December, where an inaugural meeting will be held. A colloquium will be held in the three days preceding the assembly, where speakers invited by the host and UTE member theatres will address topics on theatre dramaturgy and contemporary playwriting.

The Prague Assembly confirmed once again that the Union of European Theatres is actively working to strengthen international relations in theatre and to support young talent.